Seasons Greetings to all my readers ! Took this photo as I was driving past at night on they way back to the studio....you get the idea...hence a blurry but pretty big nice looking Xmas tree in the heart of the city.
Its been a frantic month, I'm finishing up all my commissions and other works I didn't quite resolve through the year and then there is all the Xmas parties to got to and general madness resulting from what is the silly season! I'm hoping to make a clean start for 2008 and get working on a major body of paintings for my next exhibition in Canberra. I need a complete change and its a hard process to go through, sometimes, I wish I could just press the hold button on the rest of my life whilst I sort out the mechanisms for my new work....Meanwhile, I'm continuing to paint my small works on This Small Painting Life I am really enjoying these little works and am trying to put up several before the end of the week....
Meanwhile, I've been tagged by the wonderful Georgia based artist, Neil Hollingsworth and thus I have to tell you 5 little known facts about myself and then I'll tag five other artists to do the same.
So, here are some facts about me:
1. My first day at school, I was bored in class wondering what all the rubbish was coming out of my teachers mouth....so got up, walked out of class and plonked myself in the sand pit and began building things...much more interesting .... !
2. I am absolutely scared of heights, I cannot even watch high things on television without pins and needles under the arch of my foot, get a niggling pain in my tummy that makes me want to jump...
3. Cars, I am obsessed with them, it is one of my favourite subjects to talk about, once I start, I just cannot stop!
4. I worked in television for 16 years, both my father and cousin still work in the industry and my mother worked there too until she got married in the 60's when there was a rule that you couldn't work once you got married!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!!
5. I have a pet Sulpher Crested Cockatoo who we all thought was a male, hence named Sebastian, at age 18years he/she layed an egg and now we call her Sebastienne. She is very important to me because I am an only child, my mother is an only child, thus our family is very small and this crazy parrot who has kept me company all night when I studied at university and always been just there for the past 35 years or so...is just well, to me, like my little sister.
These are the five artists I'd like to tag...
Otto Lange
Cooper Dragonette
Travis Louie
Nigel Cox
Edward B Gordon