I'm hopping into a bright blue gas guzzling thumping great big Ford XR6 and heading off to Melbourne in the morning for the exhibition opening at
TarraWarra. Really looking forward to seeing lots of people I haven't caught up with in ages and meeting Dr Janine Burke who is opening the show.
Dr Burke has wriiten many texts about
Heide and the people involved. This has been a special subject area of study for me for many years and even was able to use my research and interview one of the characters from this story of Australian Moderism on one occassion with a journalist for two ABC progams. This colouful character was none other than the publisher, poet and victim of the Ern Malley Hoax, one,
Max Harris. The main program we produced was "A Life-Max Harris" but the material collected is in Archive and gets used every-so-often which is great. Max was quite elderly and could only talk for short periods of time but he was passionate about his beliefs and sat beneath a painting done by his friend, Ivor Francis, wearing a beautiful brocade smoking gown. It was really a privledge to hear his version of events surrounding Sid Nolan's Glenrowan series of paintings and how they began, as well as many other facets of his life.
Anyway, I digress...cannot help once I start about this subject...The show is going to be great to see, still life is often overlooked and I hope this show will put the genre into perspective and thus its place in contemporary art as a subject matter.
Lots of dealers, artists and friends are going to be there, so will post some piccies of the opening when I return.