Sunday, June 01, 2008

"Metal Pencil"

This is the sort of imagery I'm working with for my new paintings, it reflects the way I am feeling and also the way I feel about the world around me. I am conflicted and troubled and I am unhappy about many things. I don't want to paint ugly and violent paintings but I do want to convey a sense of the way I feel in modern society and the way I perceive others are beginning to feel.

I have been under a lot of stress lately and have been making some really strange word associations. Last night, I decided it was time to bake a cake and as I was mixing the ingriedients, I was thinking about my art. So, it came that I needed a metal spoon and my partner was in the way of the cuttlery draw and do you think I could think of a name for spoon so I could ask him to get one out of the drawer??? Nope! So, I stumbled and spluttered and eventually came up with "Metal Pencil" there is a strange word association, the mind works in very mysterious ways.


Anonymous said...

Please don't stress!...
Let us know how the new ‘darker’ theme works out.

A Reason to Paint said...

That's an interesting juxtaposition of roles there!!

Love the imagery you are intending to work with; I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with it and hopefully being one of the collectors of these new works.

This Painting Life said...

Thanks James, trying to stay calm!...
I'll post up work as I complete it but meanwhile, I will be doing some studies for the larger work and posting them to my small painting site.

AR2P Thanks for your encouragement as always.