South Australian Living Artists week is open for another year and for 2007 Jim & I have opened up our studio/gallery space and stockroom to the public for one weekend only. It is a good opportunity for people to come in and talk to us about our practice, what we are up to as we exhibit mainly in other states, so our collectors in South Australia rarely get to view our work.

I cleaned up my painting space for SALA week, you'll see works by other artists that I have in my collection, Stewart McFarlane, Reg Mobassa, Deb Paauwe as well as my cabinet containing objects that inspire me and have found their way to images for paintings. Its really nice and cosy in my space, I can close my door and feel really happy hiding away from the is my small sanctuary where I can indulge myself and my thoughts, nobody can bother me, the mobile is off, and the landline is on answer machine...ahhh bliss!!!

Here are some pics of the main exhibiting space, showing the small works and my Koi Fish painting all framed up.

Also, here is a few of the salon hung stock room works that Jim and I have left from the last 7 years of painting...when I look at it, I've sold quite a lot of works and am pleased that this is all I have left barr a couple in dealers stockrooms. This means I need to paint some new works! But I knew that!!!!