I am currently working on two exhibitions, both are group shows. The first is an exhibition in Perth called "Reconfigured", which opens Wed 10th November and runs until Fri 26th November 2010 at
Emerge Art Space The show will be from various painters using figurative realism as a theme for the show. I will post images closer to the date.

The second one opens on December the 11th and runs until the end of January 2011. It is an exhibition by a group of artists who have met through a private online forum and have got together to exhibit works at the Art Gallery of Ballarat, the show is curated by Amanda van Gils and is called "Net Work". You can read more about it
HERE and follow updates via facebook
HEREThe artists exhibiting in Net Work are:
Kim Anderson / Aliey Ball / Jan Berg / Kate Bergin /Sue Beyer / Louise Blyton / Dave Brayshaw / Claire Bridge / David Coles / Simon Collins / Jacqui Comer / Dagmar Cyrulla / Chris Delpratt / Andrew Ensor / Robert Fenton / Dianne Gall / Michelle Giacobello / Minka Gillian / Erika Gofton / Debbie Hill / Robert Hollingworth / Kez Hughes / Julie Keating / Siobhan Kelley / Glenn Locklee / Vito Manfredi / Deb Mostert / Ilona Nelson / Beth Norling / Steve Rosendale / Mark Stewart / Jim Thalassoudis / Merryn Trevathan / Joanne Turner / Amanda van Gils / Steve Warburton / Irene Wellm / Darian Zam